

Beck Online is a law database that includes German legal practice, case law, guidelines, books published by C.H. Beck Verlag, journals, encyclopedias, and other various documents.

Beck Online database for access

BioMed Central publishes 300 peer-reviewed open access journals. The portfolio of journals spans all areas of biology, biomedicine and medicine.

BioMed for access

200 periodicals from the subjects of biology, ecology, engineering, agricultural science, and zoology can be found on the platform BioOne Complete and are available online.

BioOne database for access

Access is available to more than 26,000 e-books published by Brill on the Middle East and Islamic Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences,

International Law and Human Rights, Biology, Archeology, Education, History, Philosophy, and other academic disciplines.

Brill e-Book Collection for access

British Standards database. Institutions of the European and international standards, will help to prepare the standards of economic and social interests. BSI British Standards and British, European and international standards of production and service industries, businesses, governments and consumers around the world.

British Standards Online database for access

(EKUAL). Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content.

As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.

Business Source Ultimate for access

The Byzantinische Bibliographie Online includes the bibliographic sections of the Byzantinische Zeitschrift from volume 98 (2005) up to the present day.

It contains around 30,000 entries in total, and about 4,000 are added each year. The entries are organized systematically by subject area and enriched by short discussions and references to relevant review articles.  

 Byzantinische Bibliographie Online database for access

Byzantinische Bibliographie Online For Off-Campus Access:  When you visit the Byzantinische Bibliographie Online website from off campus, click the "login" button in the upper right corner. Then, pick the institution name from "Institutional Login".

Finally, to access Byzantinische Bibliographie Online, enter simply the username portion of your university e-mail (without the extension) and your e-mail password on the authentication page that opens.