ILL Information

Inter library Collaboration

ILL (Interlibrary Loan)

It is a service that allows sharing of books chapters and articles that are not in our library collections.

ILL Policy

1.Boğaziçi University faculty members and graduate students (MA, PhD) can benefit from the ILL service.

2.ILL requests are made by filling out the ILL Request Form.

3.The only types of materials that ILL can provide are books, book chapters, articles and theses.

4.A library user may request up to five (5) resources at a time.

5.Books requested from libraries in Turkey may vary depending on whether the book is on the shelf or not, the ILL policy of the lending library and postal services. (at least 3 days)

6.Article and document requests are provided in PDF format.

7.The requesting person must borrow the book from the library within three (3) days at the latest after being informed that the book has been received and deliver it in person on time. Borrowing period for ILL book(s):
        a.Thirty (30) days for books borrowed from libraries in Turkey.

8. The requester agrees to use the book he/she borrowed in accordance with copyright laws and to pay the shipping fee.

9.To extend the borrowing period of a book, the extension must be made by coming to the library five (5) days in advance. The extension period and number vary depending on the ILL policy of the lending library.

10. If the borrowed book is lost, damaged or returned late, the person making the request will be responsible. In such cases, the library's lending rules apply.

11.The lending library reserves the right to recall the book before its expiration date.

Rules Applicable to ILL Requests Met by Our Library:

1.Faculty members and graduate students (MA, PhD) of universities can benefit from the ILL service.

2.Libraries in the country submit their ILL requests through the Interlibrary Loan Tracking System (KITS), and libraries abroad that are included in the OCLC submit their requests through the system. Individual user requests            sent directly by phone or email will not be accepted and will be directed to the appropriate librarian at the affiliated institution.

3.Reference Collection, Reserve Collection, Rare Works, Books in Special Collections and Audiovisual materials cannot be loaned.

4.The loan period of the borrowed material is thirty (30)

5.A library can borrow up to five (5) books at a time.

6.Borrowed books can only be renewed 2 times unless they are on hold (reserved).

7.A library may request a maximum of five (5) articles at a time.

8.The library reserves the right to recall the book before the deadline.

9. If the borrowed book is lost, damaged or returned late, the person making the request will be responsible. In such cases, the library's lending rules apply.