(EKUAL). Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database including around 13,700 periodicals, of which 9,100 are full-text (7,900 of them are peer-reviewed).
In addition to periodicals, it includes monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full-text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.
The ACM Digital Library database includes journals and books related to computers, electrical and electronics.
Purchased within ACM includes access to 50 e-books and more than 50 academic journals.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with ACM. For detailed information please click
American Chemical Society Publications
Provides access to journals published by ACS and 25 purchased e-books.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with ACS. For detailed information, please click
American Economic Association (AEA)
Established by the American Economic Association, this society publishes peer-reviewed journals in economics with more than 20,000 members. American Economic Review, American Economic Review: Insights, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, AEA Papers and Proceedings access to their journals is provided.
Provides full-text access to American Institute of Physics and American Physical Society journals (14 e-journals). Additionally, it gives users access to the AIP platform's papers from significant associations in the fields of engineering, physics, and chemistry. ASA(Acoustical Society of America), AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers), ACA(American Crystallo-graphic Association, Inc.), AVS(Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing), CAEP(China Academy of Engineering Physics), CPS(Chinese Physical Society), LIA(Laser Institute of America), The Society of Rheology, Tianjin University.
All Journals
(EKUAL). Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. 51 publications in the social sciences, natural sciences, agricultural sciences, and economics, including biomedical and life themes, are accessible through Annual Reviews.
Applied Science & Bussiness Periodicals Retrospective Retro Index
(EKUAL). Covering more than 2,000 titles published between 1913 and 1983, it is one of the major retrospective indexes on life sciences, business, and management areas. Includes more than 4.5 million records on various engineering fields, environmental sciences, economics, finance, energy, communication and information sciences, workplace safety, chemical substances, pharmacy, mining, accounting, marketing and sales, company mergers, transportation, international trade, publishing, etc.
Arcadian Library: Europe and Ottoman World: Diplomacy and International Relations
The collection contains rare and significant books on piracy, rulers, military and maritime history, diplomatic missions, trade connections, Ottoman state organization, and Ottoman expansion. More than 35,500 facsimile photographs from 196 works spanning the years 1475 to 1874 are included in it, including writings written in Ottoman Turkish, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Latin.
Provides all American Society of Civil Engineers' full-text journals(45 e-journals) from 1973.
ASME Digital Library includes all 36 Journals and their applied mechanical revisions published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME conference proceedings published since the 1950s, and all Current Conference Proceedings.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with ASME. For detailed information please click
ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library
ASTM Digital Library is a vast collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information. The Library covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
Beck Online is a law database that includes German legal practice, case law, guidelines, books published by C.H. Beck Verlag, journals, encyclopedias, and other various documents.
BioMed Central publishes 300 peer-reviewed open-access journals. The portfolio of journals spans all areas of biology, biomedicine, and medicine.
200 periodicals from the subjects of biology, ecology, engineering, agricultural science, and zoology can be found on the platform BioOne Complete and are available online.
Access is available to more than 26,000 e-books published by Brill on the Middle East and Islamic Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and Human Rights, Biology, Archeology, Education, History, Philosophy, and other academic disciplines.
British Standards database. Institutions of the European and international standards will help to prepare the standards of economic and social interests. BSI British Standards and British, European, and international standards of production and service industries, businesses, governments, and consumers around the world.
Britannica Academic Edition is a resource consisting of hundreds of thousands of full-text articles and primary sources, where you can access extensive and in-depth information about all courses and topics. There are more than 85,000 articles, more than 800,000 full texts of periodicals, more than 50,000 images, more than 2,000 videos, more than 10,000 e-books, and main resources in the portal. In addition, the Biography section, the World Atlas, and the "Timeline" are among the portal offerings. With a single search, you can access up-to-date resources and audio-visual materials. You can access the portal 24/7 with a PC, iPad, tablet, and similar devices.
French English, Spanish English, Medical dictionaries, and Thesaurus, such as the “Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary,” which contains add-ons, is also open to access on the portal "Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary".
(EKUAL). Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full-text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing, and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.
Byzantinische Bibliographie Online
The Byzantinische Bibliographie Online includes the bibliographic sections of the Byzantinische Zeitschrift from volume 98 (2005) up to the present day. It contains around 30,000 entries in total, and about 4,000 are added each year. The entries are organized systematically by subject area and enriched by short discussions and references to relevant review articles.
Includes approximately 281 full-text journals in a range of subject areas, published by Cambridge University Press.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with Cambridge University Journals. For detailed information please click
Cambridge University Press – Cambridge Books Online
Provides full-text access to 588 e-books published by Cambridge University Press, with searchable full-text on social sciences, science, technology, medicine and humanities.
Cell Press Journals publish findings of unusual importance in any field of experimental biology.
It includes topics such as Cell biology, Molecular biology, Neuroscience, Immunology, Virology and microbiology, Cancer, Human genetics, Systems biology, Signaling, Disease mechanisms and treatments, etc.
Central & Eastern European Academic Source
(EKUAL). A database containing the full texts of academic journals published in Central and Eastern European countries and publications in multiple academic disciplines and languages. It covers about 660 full-text journals from over 30 countries.
China and the Modern World is a series of digital archive collections sourced from preeminent libraries and archives across the world, including the Second Historical Archives of China and the British Library. The series covers a period of about 180 years (1800s to 1980s) when China experienced radical and often traumatic transformations from an inward-looking imperial dynasty into a globally engaged republic. Consisting of monographs, manuscripts, periodicals, correspondence and letters, historical photos, ephemera, and other kinds of historical documents, these collections provide excellent primary source materials for the understanding and research of the various aspects of China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as diplomacy/international relations, economy/trade, politics, Christianity, sinology, education, science and technology, imperialism, and globalization.
CNKI (China Academic Journals)
In addition to more than 56 million full-text articles and English abstracts published in China and the surrounding region, the database of academic journals contains around 8700 journals.
It provides access to over 100 years of this important British national newspaper, capturing 20th-century culture with text-searchable scans and a wealth of advertising, news stories, and images.
De Gruyter's 450 journals are a resource that will appeal to every library, representing the best scientific and academic research available.
* About 450 journals - 340 of them are subscriptions, 107 of them are open-access
* More than 310 English-language magazines - 210 of them are available as a subscription
* includes 5 new online magazines.
At the same time, De Gruyter: Humanities and Social Sciences Collections provides access to the journal archive purchased in 2017-2018 and open access journals published by the publishing house.
Click here for access to promotional materials.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with De Gruyter. For detailed information, please click
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Covers almost 19.035 peer-reviewed, open-access academic and scientific journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Drama Online is a study resource offering a complete multimedia theatre experience.
It features
-2,750 playtexts from 1,000 playwrights
-400 audio plays
-345 hours of video
-370 scholarly books from leading theatre publishers and companies,
-Play Tools feature includes Character Grids, Words, and Speech graphs, and Part Books offering new ways to engage with plays for close study or performance.
-Video content is supported by an Interactive Transcript Player and new Video Clipping functionality.
Includes publications from the UNWTO in multiple languages, such as books, journals, and statistics.
More than 900 English, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic novels are available, along with a wealth of materials that fall under the category of "Grey Literature". Current figures and aggregated data on tourism may be found in the Tourism Factbook.
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library
Explore catalogues, journals, books, and documents on early Arabic literature, Islamic Law, and the history of Islamic Science. It reveals the cultural, intellectual, and social lives of the people of the Middle East.
Contains digital images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and British North America and works in English
printed elsewhere from 1473-1700 - from the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War.
You can access more than 610,000 multidisciplinary books for your academic research through this platform.
Leading Academic Publishers
• Elsevier Ltd.
• De Gruyter
• Taylor & Francis Ltd.
• Sage Publications, Ltd.
• John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
(EKUAL). 5 databases covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines, including journals, newspapers, e-books, and other reference material. The following databases are included: Academic Search Complete, Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective: 1913-1983 (H.W. Wilson), Audiobook Collection (EBSCOhost), Business Source Complete, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EconLit with Full Text, ERIC, GreenFile, Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts, MedLine, Newswires, Regional Business News, Teacher Reference Center, ULAKBİM Turkish National Databases.
The Economist Historical Archive ('EHA') is the fully searchable complete facsimile edition of The Economist. Containing every issue since its launch in 1843 and more than 600,000 pages, EHA offers full-color images, multiple search indexes, topic and area supplements, and surveys. Altogether, this is an unrivaled multidisciplinary primary source for researching and teaching the 19th and 20th centuries.
Education Index Retrospective: 1929 – 1983
(EKUAL). Includes more than 835,000 records indexed from more than 700 publications, most of which are peer-reviewed. Updated subject headings help find information with current keywords in the archives. Original subject headings are also retained in order to prevent original data.
Some of the covered subjects are multicultural/ethnic education, language arts, religious education, computers in education, science and mathematics, government funds, literature standards, preschool education, secondary education, continuous education, remote learning, adult education, etc…
Elsevier e-books & Reference Works
Access is provided to more than 41.000 full-text e-books published by Elsevier on the ScienceDirect platform on the topics of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.
(EKUAL). Covers around 300 journals from all major management disciplines: marketing, human resources management, engineering, library and information management, quality, operations management and more.
Includes information on emerging countries and their markets. Provides company profiles and analysis, sectoral statistics and analysis; privatization, merging, and acquisition updates; financial markets and capital market data, market analysis and financial statements, macroeconomic forecasts, analysis and statistics, country profiles, customization, and legal databases, accounting and tax legislation.
Encyclopedia of Analytical Science
Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, this second edition, is designed to provide a detailed and comprehensive publication covering all facets of the science and practice of analysis. The new work has been extensively revised in terms of the titles and content of the first edition and includes comprehensive coverage of techniques used for the determination of specific elements, compounds, and groups of compounds in physical or biological matrices.
Covers such themes as "the evolution of biodiversity, systems for classifying and defining biodiversity, ecological patterns and theories of biodiversity, and an assessment of contemporary patterns and trends in biodiversity.
Elsevier's Encyclopedia of Ecology contains current and comprehensive articles covering many themes, including ecological indicators, models and processes, evolutionary ecology, global ecology, human ecology, and the philosophy of ecology.
The Encyclopedia of Genetics is a comprehensive four-volume set covering the wide variety of disciplines that use genetic principles as a part of their scientific foundation.
Encyclopedia of Information Systems
The Encyclopedia of Information Systems provides basic information, principles, current topics, and application information about computers and information technology. It's a useful resource for all the people who use, develop, or manage information systems.
Encyclopedia of Islam (Second Edition)
This encyclopedia includes information about Islam, the Islamic world, believers, and the countries they live in.
Encyclopedia of Islam (Third Edition)
This encyclopedia includes information about Islam, the Islamic world, believers, and the countries they live in.
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics
A comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date reference encyclopedia on all aspects of language and linguistics. Includes 3,000 articles, 200 language maps, a glossary, bibliographies, and a subject index.
Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology
Presents around 1,800 articles written by experts in their fields, resulting in a comprehensive coverage of this broad and wide-ranging subject. It is the only encyclopedia available that covers all of materials science and technology, focusing on the following areas:
Functional Phenomena, Structural Phenomena, Fundamental Core Theory, Structural Materials, Polymers and Materials Chemistry, Functional Materials.
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition)
Includes in-depth articles in all key areas of physical science. hundreds of the most respected scientists and engineers participated in the creation of this new edition, including many Nobel Laureates.
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict (Second Edition)
The 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict provides timely and useful information about antagonism and reconciliation in all contexts of public and personal life. Building on the highly-regarded 1st edition (1999) and publishing at a time of seemingly inexorably increasing conflict and violent behavior the world over, the Encyclopedia is an essential reference for students and scholars working in the field of peace and conflict resolution studies and for those seeking to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for social justice and social change.
Covering topics as diverse as Arms Control, Peace Movements, Child Abuse, Folklore, Terrorism, and Political Assassinations, the Encyclopedia comprehensively addresses an extensive information area in 225 multi-disciplinary, cross-referenced, and authoritatively authored articles.
EndNote Web is a web-based bibliography management program that can be integrated with Word and database research interfaces. All BU members can create an account and use it online.
Users need to create a personal account before first use.
Online learning platform for teaching Ottoman Turkish based on gaming method in a total of 79 lessons.
(EKUAL). ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents dating back to 1966.
ESI is an analytical tool that helps determine influential individuals, institutions, papers, publications, and countries in hundreds of disciplines — as well as emerging research areas that could impact future work.
Evangelism and the Syria-Lebanon Mission: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1869-1910
Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1869-1910. The Board of Foreign Missions records provide invaluable information on social conditions in Greater Syria (and Lebanon) and efforts to spread the gospel during the nineteenth century. Documenting the church’s educational, evangelical, and medical work, these are records mainly of incoming correspondence from the mission field and outgoing correspondence from the Board headquarters.
Contains 20,455 images.
Financial Times Historical Archive
The Financial Times Historical Archive is the complete searchable facsimile run of the world's most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every article and advertisement ever printed in the paper, since it was first published in 1888 can be searched and browsed individually and page by page. This is an essential, comprehensive and unbiased research tool for everyone studying public affairs and the economic and financial history of the last 120 years.
It's a grouping of several smaller collections into five larger ones. Gale Research Complete is a special collection that was assembled from primary and secondary sources. It contains articles, books, archive materials, and news sources on a wide range of scientific disciplines, including medicine, engineering, history, politics, sociology, philosophy, economics, and religion.
It provides access
Times Digital Archive
The Economist, Daily Mail,
National Geographic, etc.
Grammarly is an online assisting tool for advanced spell checking, grammar checking, and more. It can be integrated into Google Chrome and Microsoft Office applications. Supports English and other widely used languages.
Grammarly's institutional account is given to senior students, graduate students, and instructors. Other users can get free personal accounts at
In order to get a Grammarly institutional account, please apply to "", specifying your name, department, student number (students only), and email address.
(EKUAL). GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact on the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government, and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as open-access full text for more than 4,700 records.
Includes searchable original images of more than 100 million pages on law, history of law, and related areas. Covers more than 3.000 periodicals, legislation, regulations, court decisions, international law, etc.
It's necessary to register using the university email address.
Hiperkitap is Turkey's first digital database with more than 27,000 Turkish content. Its portfolio includes more than 400 publishers, such as Yapı Kredi, Yeditepe, İz, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ekin, Büyük Doğu, Ezgi, KODLAB, Arıkan, Dharma, Hece, Hayat and Eflatun Publications, which are among Turkey's leading publishing houses. It provides access to thousands of books in 29 categories, from literature to art, from mathematics to informatics, whenever and wherever you want.
ICPSR stands for the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, located within the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. The ICPSR database provides access to the world's largest computerized social science data archive.
Idealonline, with the use of this database, readers can access extensive information in Turkish sources and use Popular and Academic Periodicals all on one platform.
Idealonline current content information:
• 1,200+ Periodicals
• 21,000+ Number of Archives
• 165,000+ Full Text Articles
(EKUAL). Provides full-text access to IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, and conference proceedings published since 1988, select content published since 1950, and all current IEEE standards.
IEEE – MIT Press E-Book Collection
A selection of unique eBooks on computer science and engineering technologies are included.
Topic areas: It broadens the scope of research that your business can conduct by providing online access to 936 titles on a single platform in disciplines including computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering.
Includes around 700 e-books published by Wiley-IEEE Press, part of the IEEE Electronic Library platform. (until 2014)
(Institution of Engineering and Technology books 2021 - 2023) reflect the role of engineering in solving societal challenges, proposing interdisciplinary solutions to complex problems, and exploring the scientific principles that underpin current and future technologies. IET books are written by and for the STEM research community, providing expertly curated and authoritative reviews of research trends and developments, and deep dives into engineering and technology topics.
IGI Global Platform (InfoSci-Books)
Includes around 3271 books on computer science and information technology, education, engineering, environmental science and technologies, media and communications, life sciences, etc. fields.
IGI Global Platform (InfoSci-Journals)
Includes more than 178 journals on Databases, Data Warehousing & Mining, Distance Learning & Education, Global Information Technology, Healthcare Information Systems, E-Commerce, E-Government & M-Commerce, IT Business Value, Support & Solutions, IT Engineering, Modeling & Evaluation, Knowledge Management.
InCites is the analytics tool for examining Web of Science data and producing reports. Academic publishing performances of persons, organizations, or countries can be assessed in detail and compared, and several quantitative analyses can be conducted. It also helps users to determine influential individuals, institutions, papers, publications, and countries in hundreds of disciplines and emerging research areas that could impact future work.
Requires a personal account created in Web of Science
Includes journals on management, organization, etc.
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Provides an authoritative and comprehensive source of information on the discipline of human geography and its constituent and related subject areas.
The encyclopedia includes over 1,000 detailed entries on philosophy and theory, key concepts, methods and practices, biographies of notable geographers, and geographical thought and praxis in different parts of the world. Covers every field of human geography and the discipline’s relationships to other disciplines
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
It is the online edition of a 26-volume encyclopedia that covers all social and behavioral sciences.
It includes 4,000 articles, 90,000 bibliographic references, and comprehensive name and subject indexes.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The IEP is a peer-reviewed academic resource. Founded in 1995 as a non-profit organization to provide open access to detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.
More than 85+ Journals from the Institute of Physics.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with IOP. For detailed information please click
Journal Citation Reports (Science and Social Sciences ed.)
Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable performance metrics that provide a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community.
JoVE - Journal of Visualized Experiments
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a peer-reviewed scientific video journal.
Includes high-quality video demonstrations about laboratory methods in biology, bioengineering, developmental biology, engineering, chemistry, and science education fields.
(EKUAL). JSTOR contains the full-text of more than 2,800 journals from 1,200 publishers(from 57 countries), with publication dates ranging from 1665 to 2015 (for certain titles). Journals are available in more than 75 disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences and mathematics.
JSTOR does not include current issues or volumes but includes complete runs of all journals up to two to five years prior to the current date. The Library has subscriptions to the Arts and Sciences I - IX Collection, Business III, General Science and Life Sciences Collections.
The following subcollections are accessible in JSTOR:
Arts & Sciences I-XV (15 collections)
Life Sciences
JSTOR Essential
Business IV
Ecology & Botany II
Ireland Collection
Jewish Studies Collection
Hebrew Journals Collection
Sustainability Collection
Kazancı Turkish law database includes Jurisprudence, legislation, and legal publishing databases.
Note: Kazancı does not allow off-campus access to its database as of 2021. Due to this clause of the license agreement, access to Kazanci over proxy is not available.
Academic staff who need off-campus access to Kazancı should send an email to "" from their Bogaziçi email address.
Provides insights from the journals and research emanating from South Korea. (Ottoman Turkish dictionary)
6 different dictionaries (Kâmûs-i Türkî, Lexicon (Redhouse), Vankulu Lugatı, Kâmûsu’l-Muhit, names dictionary, and appendix) were combined to form this Ottoman Turkish dictionary, containing more than 450.000 entries and around 1 million phrases.
Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference
It includes four volumes, 159 chapters, 3000 pages.
Covers topics such as the neurochemistry and neurobiology of learning at the cellular and synaptic levels, systems neurobiology, the study of animal capabilities such as homing, ethological and behavioristic analyses, mechanisms, psychology, and disorders of learning and memory in humans.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
This series reports on new developments in Computer Engineering. Access to 8,958 e-books of this series is available.
This series reports on new developments in all areas of mathematics and their applications - quickly, informally, and at a high level. Access is available to 518 volumes.
Founded in 1969, reports new developments in physics research and teaching - quickly and informally, but with high quality and the explicit aim to summarize and communicate current knowledge in an accessible way. Books published in this series are conceived as bridging material between advanced graduate textbooks and the forefront of research and serve three purposes:
-to be a compact and modern, up-to-date source of reference on a well-defined topic.
-to serve as an accessible introduction to the field to postgraduate students and nonspecialist researchers from related areas.
-to be a source of advanced teaching material for specialized seminars, courses, and schools.
Includes 426 e-books published since 1969
Copyrights Legal Publishing's printed law books (625 +) and all issues of law journals with 15 different titles (900 +) can be accessed online with the same appearance as the printed edition.
Site User's Guide:
Legalbank is a comprehensive law and legislation database, including
- 3.500.000 + jurisprudence (Court of Appeals, Council of State, BAM, BİM etc.)
- 53.000 + legislation (Law, Decree Law, CBK, Regulation, Communiqué etc.)
- 42.000 + academic and practical articles
- 14.800+ theses
- 4.000+ petitions and documents
- 400+ justifications
Site User's Guide :
Index and functional dictionary on Turkish literature and historical texts.
LEHÇEDİZ Dictionary provides data on historical and contemporary texts of Turkish Literature and important texts of Turkic literature. Each word and phrase of all the texts in the database has been interpreted and grouped separately.
LexiQamus is a website that aims to help researchers decipher illegible words in Ottoman manuscripts.
-You must be registered on first use.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
(EKUAL). LISTA indexes more than 610 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals, plus books, research reports, and proceedings.
Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
The classical era to the present is covered in a literary encyclopedia that is now available.
There are 94 volumes in the publication, which is currently split into 10 parts. includes online bookshelves, chronologies, and bibliographies. Users must open an account. Then, users can log in by selecting the institution name.
Lives in Turkish: A Database of Biography
"Lives in Turkish" is an online bibliography that presents metadata about biographical volumes published in Turkish since the 1800s. The dataset includes reference details, visuals, contents, summary, information about retranslations and further editions, and reviews. The database also shares updated information about research on biography, literary history, translation history, and digital humanities; offers current tools, methods, and publications; and presents a periodical analysis of the dataset by means of several techniques of data visualization.
(EKUAL). Comprehensive full-text popular journal resource with resources on general interest.
It also includes numerous reference books and an extensive visual collection.
- 2,326 full-text journals
- Over 1000 e-books
- Over 55,100 primary source documents
- Around 2 million images (photos, maps and flags)
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
(EKUAL). A reference e-book collection offering more than 900 e-books covering a broad range of general reference subjects.
Provides Mathematical Review from 1940 to the present. Current Mathematical Publications is a subject index of bibliographic data for recent and forthcoming publications. Most items are later reviewed in Mathematical Reviews.
Reference lists are collected and matched internally from approximately 800 journals, and citation data for journals, authors, articles, and reviews is provided.
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
The Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law is a comprehensive, analytical resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of international law.
Contains both the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law.
(EKUAL). MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals.
Mendeley Institutional Edition
(EKUAL). Mendeley is a reference management system and academic collaboration network that can increase the productivity of researchers. Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) provides expanded rights for users and support for institutions. The extended features provided by MIE for researchers and libraries are as follows:
• 5GB personal storage space
• Ability to create unlimited closed groups
• Membership in groups for up to 25 people
• Analysis tool for institutions
National Geographic Virtual Library
The most famous magazine in the world for the past 100 years, covering worldwide events, culture, iconic and legendary photos, articles, nature, science, technology, and the environment from 1888 to the present.
(EKUAL). Provides Nature, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Genetics, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Physics, and Nature Reviews (Cancer, Genetics, Molecular Cell Biology, Neuroscience) online journals.
There are 46 journals in the Nature Journals All Journal Collection, including papers in the clinical, physical, and life sciences. Publications from Nature Methods and Nature Protocols are also a part of this category. The highest impact factor journal package in the world is Nature Journals.
Naxos Music Library [NML] is the world´s largest online classical music library. Currently, it offers streaming access to more than 104,000 CDs with more than 2,756,000 tracks, standard and rare repertoire. Over 800 new CDs are added to the library every month.
The library offers the complete Naxos and Marco Polo catalogs plus the complete catalogs or selected titles from over 350 classical, jazz, and world music labels, with more labels joining every month. Classic pop and rock music, as well as Chinese orchestral music, are also represented.
(EKUAL). Newspaper Source Plus includes more than 1200 full-text newspapers, providing more than 60 million full-text articles.
The database also features more than 857,000 television and radio news transcripts.
O'Reilly Learning Platform is a new-generation learning platform that includes not only e-books and videos but also playlists and learning paths, especially compiled for those who need to learn a specific topic.
- 42,000 e-books
- 30K+ hours of video
- 12,000 playlists
- 270 learning paths
OECD iLibrary contains thousands of e-books, chapters, tables and graphs, papers, articles, summaries, indicators, databases, and now also Podcasts - discoverable by theme, country, or content type.
Every year, around 500 new titles are published via OECD iLibrary.
Content items:
17.585 ebook titles
97.850 chapters
299 200 tables and graphs
172 podcasts
2.600 articles
6.390 multilingual summaries
8.350 working papers and policy responses
Explains the historical transition of words in both sound and meaning, starting from their known origins.
(EKUAL). Provides full-text access to more than 1,400,000 doctoral theses dating from the beginning of the 20th century to the present.
It also includes thesis metadata compiled from many selected universities and colleges around the world.
Ovid LWW Total Access Journals Collection
(EKUAL). In relation to the Ovid LWW Total Access Magazine Collection, Packed with excellent full-text medical resources, it offers rapid and simple access to medical data spanning a wide range of specializations. assortment, everyone
It includes topics exclusive to areas of expertise as well as clinical articles that belong in the library.
It also has additional niche publications with titles in it.
Oxford Historical Treaties (OHT) is a premier resource for historical treaty research, containing the full text of The Consolidated Treaty Series, which is a comprehensive collection of treaties of all nations concluded from 1648 through 1919.
Access to the following three collections is available:
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Financial and Banking Law
- Private International Law
Each collection can be browsed and searched separately or together via the OLRL family interface.
Oxford University Press Journals
Provides 500 Oxford University Press online journals in subjects like biochemistry and molecular biology, biology and ecology, communication studies, computing and engineering, economics and business, language studies, linguistics and philology, genetics, mathematics and statistics, medicine, music, law, literary studies, philosophy, political science, sociology.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with Oxford University Press Journals. For detailed information please click
Oxford University Press Scholarship Online
Access is provided to more than 20,000 books covering all academic disciplines.
Philosophy Documentation Center
163 scholarly e-journals published in the domains of philosophy and sciences relevant to philosophy, theology, and applied ethics, serial volumes, conference proceedings, etc., are additional resources included.
Contains resources.
The collection, which contains more than 130,000 articles, is one of the most competent databases in its field.
Physical Review Journals (American Physical Society)
Includes 22 Physical Review journals published by the American Physical Society.
PNAS (Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences)
PNAS, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
It is considered one of the world's most respected, multidisciplinary scientific serial publications.
Since its founding in 1914, PNAS has been covering the latest developments in biology, physics and social sciences.
It publishes research reports, commentaries, critiques, perspectives, conference papers and activities that reflect
Provides access to 7,350 newspapers and magazines from 145 countries in 65 languages, including 120 TURKISH publications. All publications are seen the same as the printed formats, while it is possible to search by words on the pages.
Press Reader also facilitates
- 60 days of archive for publications
- Translating articles into other languages
- Text to speech (Listening to the text)
- Getting alerts from selected publications
Researchers can access full-text academic papers from over 265 publishers, including world-renowned universities and educational institutions, through Project MUSE. Access to 387 scientific journals in the social sciences and humanities.
From the past to the present, you will have access to academic publications produced by the world's most prominent universities, including MIT Press, Princeton University Press, Harvard University Press, and Yale University Press, in the subjects of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Proquest Coronavirus Research Database
Brings together articles, theses, and other resources related to Coronavirus related from highly credited publishers, enabling users to search all of them from a single point.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT)
(EKUAL). Dissertation & Theses database is recognized worldwide because of its comprehensive coverage, high-quality information, and rigorous editorial control.
The database is the definitive guide to more than 6 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses.
ProQuest Publicly Available Content
Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open-access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, books, conference papers, and reports.
Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Online
-Only online prosopography covering the whole Middle Byzantine Period (641–1025 AD).
- Documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East.
- Brings sources and modern scholarship from many different publications together on over 21,000 persons.
- Offers detailed search functionality.
With the Ebsco platform, you can get access to the complete text collection of the APA publisher. Provides access to 50 full-text journals published by American Psychological Association.
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
PEP is a digital archive of many of the major works of psychoanalysis. PEP Archive contains the complete FULL TEXT of 57 premier psychoanalytic journals, complete versions of fifty-eight classic psychoanalytic texts, and all twenty-four volumes of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, the German Freud Standard Edition, "Gesammelte Werke".
(EKUAL). This database provides comprehensive full-text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Click here for a complete title list. Click here for more info.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
REP Online is the online version of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. First published in print and CD-ROM formats in June 1998, this encyclopedia was the first multi-volume encyclopedia published in the field after more than thirty years. REP Online is a dynamic resource with articles and other materials added regularly every year. It is being updated in different ways: new, revised, and updated articles, revamped bibliographies, more interdisciplinary subject guides, and shortlists with archiving. Dec.
Provides full-text access to the 11 journals published by The Royal Society, going back to 1665.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with RS. For detailed information please click
Royal Society of Chemistry e-Books
231 e-books of the Royal Society of Chemistry, published in 2013, 2014, and 2015 are accessible. In addition, we have access to more than two thousand books published between 1968-2023.
Royal Society of Chemistry Journals
Journals published by Royal Society of Chemistry.
Online consists of over 1194 journals from ten disciplines: education, health sciences, management, communication, sociology, psychology, political science, materials science, criminology, and urban studies, with extensive backfiles.
E-books purchased from Sage Publishing.
Our readers can access Notos, Cogito, Kitap-lık, and Varlık magazines from the "Sayısal Kitap" platform.
Additionally, the Sayısal Kitap database provides access to 442 open access books.
The Sayısal Kitap database offers e-books and e-magazines from prestigious publisher in Turkey.
SciELO is a product of Web of Science focusing on research in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean, and South Africa.
Provides Science Online (1996- ), Science Classic (July 1880 to Dec. 1996), Science Express, STKE (Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment), SAGE KE (Science of Aging Knowledge Environment).
(EKUAL). Access to 2,396 full-text journals published by Elsevier in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering, clinical medicine, computer science, earth and astronomy, economics, business and management, engineering, energy and technology, environmental sciences and technology, life science, material science, mathematics, physics and astronomy, and social sciences, as well as indexes and abstracts from other publishers.
SciFinder is one of the most comprehensive databases for the chemistry literature.
It is the upgraded web version of SciFinder. Before you may use it, you must first register using an e-mail address ending in
Those who will register for the first time must register within the institution. Filling out the registration form and confirming your e-mail must be done on the same computer.
To open an account, please Click to register.
The scope of this publication consists of examining the Servet-i Fünûn magazines published between 1896 and 1901. This review, unlike the reviews of Servet-i Fünûn literature and Servet-i Fünûn Magazine every year, considers the magazine itself as an object of cultural history. In order to reveal the worldview that shaped the material and to discuss the modernity experience of this worldview, 297 issues recorded between the mentioned years were examined in detail, and all written and written material in these issues were classified by placing them in five main categories and many subcategories; From each article and visual material descriptions, sections of a few paragraphs that would give an idea about the content were translated and transferred to this database created on the internet.
(EKUAL). A citation database including more than 16.000 peer-reviewed journals and some selected web resources.
We have a subscription to Scopus AI. Scopus AI is an artificial intelligence platform that helps researchers accelerate their scientific discoveries.
Citation database produced in Turkey, indexing more than
- 1,400 journals
- 400.000 articles
- 10 million citations
on social sciences, sciences, and health sciences. This includes a large number of social science articles published in Turkey.
Provides access to 135 eBooks and over 300.000 full-text articles about nano-technology, astronomy, optics, digital imaging and processing, defense and security, communications, and information technologies published since 1900.
Contains 43.000 e-books purchased from Springer. Books are in PDF format and downloaded as one file per chapter.
Accessible subject packages are Behavioral Science, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Computer Science, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, and astronomy.
Also, Humanities, Social Science & Law - 5397 for the years 1990-2004,
Mathematics and Statistics - 1721 for the years 2000-2004,
Biomedical and Life Sciences - 1207 books from 2000-2004 were added to the collection.
(EKUAL). Provides 3,823 online journals of Springer Verlag in subjects like life sciences, chemical sciences, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics & astronomy, engineering, environmental sciences, law, and economics. Includes Computer Science and Mathematics e-books collection.
Includes more than 20,000 protocols. 2,000 new protocols are added every year. Based on tested and proven resources, including Methods in Molecular Biology.
Statista database provides access to statistics, reports, and information about industry, company, market, and country.
- More than 1.5 million statistics and facts from over 22,500 different sources on over 80,000 topics and areas of interest categorized into 22 market sectors
- Studies database with 10,000 studies and reports from third parties, as well as all Statista dossiers and Industry Reports
- Focus of the international database on the U.S., China, and Europe
- Direct download of all data in PPT, XLS, PDF, and PNG format
Swisslex is a database containing 688,000 full-text documents on Swiss law.
It covers
- Full texts of all Swiss laws in a systematic index
- Federal and Cantonal court decisions
- All domestic law texts, systematically organized
- 60 important law journals (full text)
- Reviews, descriptions, books
- Agreements and regulations from European law
- Guidelines, EuGH Decisions, legal proceedings,
- Official newspaper
- Judicial activities are updated weekly
Taylor & Francis Online Journals
(EKUAL). Provides 1626 Taylor & Francis online journals in agriculture, health sciences, humanities (limited full text), medicine, psychology, science, and social sciences.
CRC Press provides access to approximately 170,000 e-books from 53 different disciplines such as science, medicine, humanities, social sciences, education, behavioral sciences and law from Routledge, Focal Press, Psychology Press, Apple Academic Press, Ashgate, Garland Science and many more publishing houses.
Important note: In addition to the e-books that will be opened for your access on the platform, there are also DRM-Protected e-books that have been stopped from being published electronically. DRM-protected books, e-out-of-print books not being able to be viewed is not an access error.
Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM), Biology Open (BiO). It gives you access to their magazines. They contain biological and biomedical science content.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with The Company of Biologists. Click here for detailed information
The Telegraph Historical Archive
More than a million pages from The Telegraph, which used to be the best-selling newspaper in the world, are available in this fully searchable digital collection.
The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) is a Special Research Program founded in 1972 at the University of California, Irvine. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era.
Since its inception, the project has collected and digitized most texts written in Greek from Homer (8 c. B.C.) to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453.
Note. You will need to register and create an account to use this resource.
Thieme Chemistry / Pharma Journals
Provides access to the journals
-Planta Medica
-Planta Medica International Open
which are published by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
TSE Standards
BU members can apply to the Circulation Desk to request the standards published by the Turkish Standards Institute.
Phone # 0212 359 4422
Access is available to the Law collection of Turcademy, which is an academic e-book platform that includes e-books published in Turkey by 20 different publishers.
Open an account within our university's internet network at "". Confirm the activation code sent to your e-mail address.
Türk Tarih, Edebiyat, Kültür ve Sanat Tarihi Makaleleri Veri Tabanı
It is a database created by İSAM, compiling articles in academic journals and various publications and papers presented in symposiums and congresses. It contains a total of 137,500 articles, of which 113,500 are full text.
Transleyt is an artificial intelligence-supported academic translation and media processing platform in 30 languages. This online service, which has overcome barriers in many languages, including Ottoman, offers practical solutions to individual and corporate needs with features such as images, text, files, audio, and OCR. Thanks to its advanced algorithms, it provides its users with fast, accurate, and context-appropriate translations.
Click here for membership information and how it works.
TR DİZİN Ulakbim National Databases
(EKUAL). ULAKBIM Turkish National Databases, produced by the Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBIM), is a valuable multidisciplinary resource of exceptional scope. Turkish Engineering and Basic Sciences Database provides extensive coverage of Engineering and Basic and Applied Sciences. Turkish Life Sciences Database focuses on Agricultural, Biological, and Veterinary Sciences. Turkish Medical Database covers research articles in Health Sciences, including Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutics and Nursing. Turkish Social Sciences Database explores all major fields related to human society, from Anthropology, Economics, and History to International Development, Linguistics, and Political Science. Bilingual abstracts and descriptors (Turkish and English) make all four databases readily accessible to researchers in Turkey and around the world
U.S. Declassified Documents Online
All US Presidential libraries contain a collection of sensitive documents from numerous executive agencies, CIA reports, and federal records that were once classified.
Web of Science Core Collection (All Indexes)
(EKUAL). WoS is an academic citation database indexing the world's leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Includes the following indexes:
- Science Citation Index Expanded (1945-present)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (1956-present)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) (1975-present)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) (1990-present)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) (1990-present)
- Book Citation Index – Science (BKCI-S) (2005-present)
- Book Citation Index – Social Sciences & Humanities (BKCI-SSH) (2005-present)
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (2005-present)
Westlaw International - one of the online legal information news - offers direct access to commerical information. It provides access to the international legal community and online research tools for the elite. In this way, legal experts, academics, and students have a few seconds to reach the proceedings, statutory provisions, news information, and legal materials such as newsletter articles, news materials, and commercial materials. The library also has a wide global reach.
Wikilala is a digital library that includes materials (newspapers, journals, books, documents) printed in Ottoman Turkish, and searching the content of those materials using the Latin alphabet.
You can access Ottoman and Early Republican period periodicals such as Ceride-i Havadis, Cumhuriyet, Tasvir-i Efkâr, Servet-i Fünun, Ulus, Vatan, and Milliyet, and search all newspapers in modern Turkish.
Access to more than 12,500 e-books published by Wiley in the last 10 years is provided for BU members.
(EKUAL). It provides online full-text access to over 1,422 journals published by Wiley.
Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with Wiley. For detailed information please click
World Bank - World Development Indicators
Provides direct access to more than 600 development indicators, with time series for 266 countries and country groups, from 1960 to the present, where data are available.