Turnitin & iThenticate


Turnitin is a web based system used for detecting and preventing plagiarism and improper citations in student homeworks, projects and papers. Once loaded into the system, student works are compared against a vast database. The system detects excerpts, suspicious similarities, uncited references etc. and produces a similarity report. Turnitin's control database consists of academic databases, academic journals and publications, 200+ million student homework, 17+ billion web pages.

Passwords for using Turnitin will be given by BU Library to the academics on demand. Academics who want to use Turnitin need to provide their full name, surname and email address to sener.yolcu@bogazici.edu.tr address.
Telephone: 0212 359 7501, campus ext. 7501.

Integration of Turnitin and Moodle systems has been done. All instructors who use Moodle can do Turnitin tasks within Moodle. Moodle users don't need to create a Turnitin accounts.

Manuals and tutorials:


TUBITAK Ulakbim has provided access for faculties to iThenticate, which is used to evaluate academic papers (except student homeworks and theses: License agreement of iThenticate doesn't permit to use it for student homeworks and theses. Please use Turnitin for those material) in order to detect plagiarism. iThenticate's control database consists of academic databases, academic journals and publications and 17+ billion web pages. Differently from Turnitin, iThenticate does not add the checked documents to its database.

Passwords for using iThenticate will be given by BU Library to the faculties on demand. Faculties who want to use iThenticate need to provide their full name, surname and email address to sener.yolcu@bogazici.edu.tr address.
Telephone: 0212 359 7501, campus ext. 7501.
