
(EKUAL). Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database inluding around 13,700 periodicals, of which 9,100 are full-text (7,900 of them are peer-reviewed).

In addition to periodicals, it includes monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.

Academic Search Ultimate database for access

ACM Digital Library database includes journals and books related to computers, electrical and electronics.

Purchased within ACM includes access to 50 e-books and more than 50 academic journals.

ACM Digital Library for access


Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with ACM Journals.

Please click for read and publish agreement details

ACM Digital Library For Off Campus Access: Click the "sign in" section located in the upper right corner of the ACM Digital Library link if you are accessing it directly from off campus. Next, choose the name of the institution from the "Institutional Login" list. Ultimately, all you need to do to gain access to the ACM Digital Library is input your email password and username on the authentication page that displays, excluding the extension from your university email address.



American Chemical Society Publications (ACS) Provides access to journals published by ACS and 25 purchased e-books.

American Chemical Society Publications (ACS) database for access

Boğaziçi University Library has a "Read and Publish" agreement with ACS Journals. Please click for details

Provides full text access to American Institute of Physics and American Physical Society journals (14 e-journals). Additionally, it gives users access to the AIP platform's papers from significant associations in the fields of engineering, physics, and chemistry. ASA(Acoustical Society of America), AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers), ACA(American Crystallo-graphic Association, Inc), AVS(Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing), CAEP(China Academy of Engineering Physics), CPS(Chinese Physical Society), LIA(Laser Institute of America) , The Society of Rheology, Tianjin University

American Institute of Physics database for access

(EKUAL). Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. 66 publications in the social sciences, natural sciences, agricultural sciences, and economics, including biomedical and life themes, are accessible through Annual Reviews.

Annual reviews database for access

Annual Reviews For Off-Campus Access: You can access the website's databases from outside the campus, or you can go directly to and click on the "sign in" section in the upper right corner.

Select the institution name (Boğaziçi University Library OpenAthens) from the "Institutional Login".  Finally, you can access the Annual Reviews database from outside of campus by entering only the username component of your university e-mail (without the extension) and your e-mail password on the authentication page that opens.




(EKUAL). Covering more than 2,000 titles published between 1913-1983, it is one of the major retrospective indexes on life sciences, business and management areas. Includes more than 4.5 million records on various engineering fields, environmental sciences, economics, finance, energy, communication and information sciences, workplace safety, chemical substances, pharmacy, mining, accounting, marketing and sales, company mergers, transportation, international trade, publishing, etc.

Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective Retro Index database for access


The collection contains rare and significant books on piracy, rulers, military and maritime history, diplomatic missions, trade connections, Ottoman state organization, and Ottoman expansion.

More than 35,500 facsimile photographs from 196 works spanning the years 1475 to 1874 are included in it, including writings written in Ottoman Turkish, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Latin.

Arcadian Library  : Europe and the Ottoman World: Diplomacy and International Relations database for access


Provides all American Society of Civil Engineers' full text journals(45 e-journals) from 1973.

ASCE Online Journals database for access

ASCE library for off-campus access: When you click on the ASCE Library link, go to the login area on the right and pick "Institutional Login" to find the institution name.

You can access the authentication page by entering your institutional e-mail username (without and password.



ASME Digital Library includes all 36 Journals and their applied mechanical revisions published by American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME conference proceedings published since 1950s,

and all Current Conference Proceedings.

ASME Digital Library database for access


ASTM Digital Library is a vast collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information.

The Library covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering. 

ASTM Digital Library for access