
Turkish law database including Jurisprudence database, Legislation database and legal publishings database.

Note: Kazancı does not allow off-campus access to its database as of 2021. Due to this clause of license agreement, access to Kazanci over proxy is not available.

Academic staff who need to off-campus access to Kazancı should send an email to "" from their boun email address.

Provides insights from the journals and research emanating from South Korea.

KCI- Korean Journal Database for access

6 different dictionaries (Kâmûs-i Türkî, Lexicon (Redhouse), Vankulu Lugatı, Kâmûsu’l-Muhit, names dictionary and appendix) were combined to form this  Ottoman Turkish dictionary, containing more than 450.000 entries and around 1 million phrases. database for access