Springer Nature Open Access Agreement has been Activated!

TUBITAK ULAKBIM – Springer Nature Open Access Agreement for 2025 has been activated!

The agreement, which researchers can publish open access in Springer Hybrid Journals for free, has been activated again as of January 1, 2025.

Within this agreement's scope is an annual open-access article publishing quota (country quota), and the researcher must be the responsible author of the article.

Types of articles covered by the agreement: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication, Continuing Education

Agreements, bogazici.edu.tr, you must make an application using your extended e-mail addresses.

Click here for the journals lists.

For detailed information: https://www.springernature.com/gp/open-science/oa-agreements/turkey

Tubitak ULAKBIM - Springer Nature Open Access Agreement: WEBINAR 2  

Our agreement that your researchers can publish open access in Springer Hybrid Journals in a 'free' way 2. With the period, it became active again as of January 1, 2025. 

The second webinar of the year will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. New updates will be shared.

It is necessary to complete the registration by providing the entry of the necessary information via the specified link. 

Note: The maximum capacity is limited to 1000 people. It is recommended that participants log in a few minutes in advance. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

11.00-12.00 AM

Registration Link: Springer Nature-TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM-Açık Erişim Anlaşması-Webinar 2 

Webinar Language: Mainly Turkish

Who Should Participate?

- Researchers

- Undergraduate/Doctoral Students

- Faculty Members

- Librarians

- Anyone interested in academic/Open access publishing

More than 200 institutions have been included in the transformation agreement (TA) between Springer Nature and TUBITAK. This agreement means that the relevant authors affiliated with the institutions can publish their articles in Springer Nature's hybrid journal portfolio with open access and their fees covered. In addition, researchers of the institutions related to this agreement will be able to access the content of journals in the Springer, Adis, Palgrave, Academic Journals, and Nature portfolio.

For other agreements that our library has made: https://library.bogazici.edu.tr/tr/oku-ve-yayimla

Monday, January 6, 2025